Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mango Scarlett Johansson

I bought this Mango Scarlett Johansson collection playsuit last summer..well. it's not a playsuit anymore. I redesigned it, because it way too short in the back. So I untangled the threads, made some changes and sewed it back together. Anyways, I love Mango clothes, they are so feminine. I can't wait when their big sale is coming (minus 70%)..I always get good stuff from there, though this one was bought with full price.

Ma ostsin selle kombinesooni Mangost (Scarlett  Johansson kollektsioon) eelmisel suvel, kuid ma otsustasin selle pluusiks ümber disainida. Põhjus oli selles, et riie oli tagant nii lühike..eest oli okei, kuid tagant pigem pidzaama mõõtu. Niisiis ma harutasin kombinesooni lahti ja tegin väiksed ümberlõiked ning õmblesin kokku tagasi topiks. Hiljem Tallinna Mangos ma avastasin, et see oligi topina ka juba olemas (sama materjal, ainult keskel polnud seda kummi ja all polnud püksteosa.
Üleüldiselt mulle Mango asjad meeldivad, kuna sealsed riided on üldjoontes väga naiselikud. Eriti meeldib mulle Mangos siis, kui seal -70% ale on.


  1. You look great in your redesigned play suit. Well done for rescuing it. Xxxx

  2. Thanks! The lower hem should be more loose, but there was no more material.

  3. nice blouse;)

  4. That's a great pick from Mango, and you're so creative to turn it to a top instead, it still looks lovely :)

    Lubna | ELLE VOX

  5. ..oh yes , Mango have some great pieces , lovely outfit , with those white leggings looks so summery ..


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