Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The lace-up boots and frilled blouse

I was looking boots like that since forever...and finally found them from Promod. Their original price was 80 euros, but since there is a sale I got them with 40 euros so happy!:) There were also tan coloured boots which were also corgeous but black suits better with work wardrobe.
Also another thing I was looking for such long time is white blouse with a lot of frills. I was walking on the streets of NY and voila....this beautiful thing looked at me on the window of  one random store. 

Ma otsisin päris kaua selliseid saapaid ja lõpuks leidsin Promodist ja veel päris hea hinnaga. Algselt maksid need 80 eurot, kuid nüüd olid allahinnatud 40 euro peale. Pruunid olid ka ja oiii kui ilusad, aga must sobib tööriietega rohkem kokku, nii et jäi must!
Samuti ma leidsin veel ühe eseme, mida olin kaua otsinud - valge rüüšidega pluusi, mis on lühikeste käistega ning rüüše on ikka korralikult. Ma jalutasin New Yorki tänavatel ja voila..see lihtsalt vaatas mingi suvalise poe vaateaknalt mulle vastu.

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