Friday, April 6, 2012

One year after Brasilian Keratin Treatment's been a year already since I started doing myself the brasilian keratin treatment. I still adore it. I have been doing it approximatey after every 2 months. My hair is grown but not much. I have been visiting my hairdresser regularly after every two months and during that visit she always highlights and cuts my hair. Maybe I should not cut them as often as that but since I am using hair dryer and other hot tools the ends keep splitting. I rather have littlebit shorter hair than longer and totally damaged hair. And since my hair is not that thick, they may not be pretty when growing longer. I have had a lot of highlights done with bleacher but now I changed the salon and hairdresser and I am trying to do the highlights without bleacher. Lets see what happends. I used to had a really good hairdresser in a salon where she had a perfect non-bleacher stuff for highlights but now she has gone to another salon where are other products. Also I bought placent ampuls to improve the health of my hair. I never realize if they work or not, but I hope they do.

Nagu ma ühes eelnevas postituses ka märkisin, siis ma olen teinud Brasiilia keratiini hooldust juba aasta. Ma siiamaani jumaldan seda! Ma võrdlesin aastataguse pildiga ja mu juuksed ei ole väga palju kasvanud. Kuid samas see on ka loogiline, kuna ma käin iga 2 kuu tagant juuksuris, kus mu juukseid triibutatakse ja lõigatakse. Võimalus oleks harvemini lõigata, kuid samas kuna ma kasutan palju fööni, sirgendajat (tõmban mõnikord juustest sirgendajaga kergelt läbi, et ilusamini hoiaks), lokitange, siis mu juuksed kipuvad otstest lõhenema ja kuivama. Parem natuke lühemad ja tervemad juuksed kui pikad ja katki. Ma pole ka päris kindel, et kas mu enda juuksed oleks pikana ilusad, kuna nad on üpriski õhukesed (kuigi kohevad). Nüüd ma proovin juukseid taaskord säästma hakata. Ma vahetasin juuksurisalongi, kus on olemas triibuvärv, mis ei sisalda blondeerijat. Eks näis, ma olen ühe korra teinud sellega triipude väljakasvu ja eelmine nädal, et hetkel ma ei saa üldse aru, et kas see värvis midagi või ei:) Ma ostsin ka Placent Activ ampullid, kuna need olid osalindis soodushinnaga. Ma ei saa kunagi aru, et kas neil mingi mõju ka on, aga pimedalt uskudes ja lootes ikka aegajalt kasutan neid. 


  1. Mis toodetetga sa hooldust teed endale?

    1. Tellin e-bayst, kuid hetkel ei paista sellel müüjal, kellelt tavaliselt tellin, tooteid üleval olevat:S

  2. I have heard about this treatment, I have straight hair already but one year since and it's still like this. sounds great!
    NEW DIY!
    ( I follow back!)

  3. i've wanted to try a keratin treatment! yours looks great! if you want to have less split ends, try a sulfate free shampoo, i swear it does wonders!

  4. Thank you! I am already using a sulfate free shampoo since it's compulsory after this treatment. Other shampoos make the efect last less time.


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