Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weekend- 2 birthday parties

 This girl always knows how to mix and match her clothes in the best way.

 I just love this floral blouse! and the girl knows how to pick her socks:)
 This girl has the craziest hair, in the good way of long and so lovely golden blonde colour and she is not dyeing them (totally natural).

On this weekend I was a party planner:) I through a birthday party for two of my friends, on the same day and in my place. So I decided to take pictures not of myself but of my friends. These are my favourite picks among their looks. The pictures may be not taken from the best angle because I didn't want them to know I am taking pics of their looks and stuff not usual birthday pictures.

Sellel nädalavahetusel korraldasin ma kahele enda sõbrannale sünnipäevapeo enda juures. Seega ma otsustasin enda välimuse pildistamise asemel hoopis enda sõpru pildistada. Kuna ma natuke üritasin seda salaja teha, siis kõik pildid pole parima nurga alt võetud ja paar asja jäid seetõttu üldse siit valikust välja, kuid mis seal ikka. Hea meelega oleksin nende soengutest ka pildid üles pannud, kuna üks mu sõbrannadest oskab fantastilisi punutisi teha ja iga pidu ta teeb meile kõigile viimase peal sonksid..kuid ma pole päris kindel, kuidas nad enda nägude avalikustamisse siin blogis suhtuksid, et jätsin välja seekord:)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's blazer time! and coral lips...

I have become totally obsessed by blazers. I didn't wear them very much til this year and now I totally adore them. Blazers are so feminine and give the sophisticated or edgy look (since there are so many different kinds of blazers).
This one on pictures is from Asos and what I like especially about it is the pin stripe lining which is seen when I roll up the sleeves.
My other new discovery is this Maybelline lipstick, tone 422 Coral Tonic. I haven't been wearing much lipsticks since I liked lipglosses more but this year I decided to try them out and I so love this bright colour. Another plus of this Maybelline lipstick is that it's not very expensive (approx 10 Euros).
I also got a chance to wear my H&M platforms which I bought little time ago from Holland. Platforms are pretty comfortable though it was hard to walk on the cobbles.

Ma ei kandnud varem eriti bleisereid, kuid sellel aastal on need mul täiesti kinnisideeks. Bleiserjakid on väga naiselikud ja annavad peenust või teravust riietusele juurde (neid on ju ka väga palju erinevaid).
Piltidel on mul Asos'e bleiser. Mulle meeldib eriti selle triibuline vooderdus, mis on näha, kui käised üles keerata.
Mu teine avastus on Maybelline huulepulk, toon 422 Coral Tonic. Ma ei olnud varem eriline huulepulga kandja ja eelistasin huuleläikeid, kuid selles aastal otsustasin siiski neid proovida ja minu esimene ost läks otse kümnesse. Mulle meeldib selle erk värv ning see püsib üpris kaua peal. Samuti oli huulepulga hind päris soodne, ca 10 Eurot.
Kuna ilm oli soe, sain ma kanda esimest korda Hollandist H&M'ist ostetud platvorme. Üpris mugavad olid, kuigi munakividel oli aegajalt üpris keeruline kõndida.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lace / pits

Lace jacket/ blouse: Seppälä

The spring is so on! I even got very good tasting sweet strawberries (though they are not local). I hope to plant some herbs myself too. 
Since weather is warmer I am losing the layers and wore lightweight lace was such a bargain. Seppälä is doing sometimes Sales where they lower the price 70% and then they lower the price again 70% from the sale price...I don't remember the exact price but it was definitely under 5 euros.

Kevad on käes! Ma sain isegi väga magusaid maasikaid, kuigi need polnud Eestist pärit. Ma loodan mõned maitsetaimed ka ise potti istutada.
Kuna ilmad on juba päris soojad, siis riidekihid kooruvad seljast ja ma sain kanda juba enda õhukest pitsist jakki.Ma ostsin selle ülihea hinnaga Seppäläst, kus allahindluste ajal on asjad ikka tõsiselt odavad. Nad hindavad asja alla 70% ja siis hindavad sellest soodushinnast veel 70% alla. Ma päris täpset hinda ei mäleta, kuid kindlasti oli see alla 5 euro.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

H&M Garden Collection

 Blouse: H&M Garden Collection, vest: Marks and Spencer, blue jeans: Zara. sunglasses: Mango

I bought this blouse last year from H&M, but I still love it very much...especially the embroidery in the front.

Ma ostsin selle pluusi tegelikult juba eelmisel aastal, kuid see meeldib mulle ikka veel väga väga..eriti eriliseks teeb pluusi minu jaoks tikand

Friday, April 22, 2011

White jacket and highlights

 White jacket: Reserved

There goes my patience! On the next day when I thought about growing out my hair, I couldn't resist anymore and called a hairdresser. I had my hair highlighted (bleached) with Goldwell Silk touch. But I made it pretty far, I hadn't highlighted 3 months. I also have to say that after few washes I can comparise two Brasilian Keratin Treatments and the first one was better (chocolate smelling). 

Niipalju siis minu kannatlikkusest! Juba järgmisel päeval, kui ma olin mõelnud juuksevärv väljakasvatada, panin ma endale juuksuriaja. Ma lasin enda juuksed triibutada Goldwell Silk Touch blondeerijaga. Lootsin, et juuksur teab mingit värvi, mis pole blondeerija ja minu juustele peale hakkaks, kuid ta kahtlustas, et kollane võib jääda. Kuid ma olen selle värviga rahul..see Silk Touch pidi veidi vähem rikkuma, kui see tavaline Goldwell blondeerija vms. Kokkuvõttes ma pidasin hästi vastu, ma polnud 3 kuud juukseid värvinud.
Nüüd peale paari pesu saan ma võrrelda ka neid kahte erinevat Brasiilia keratiini hooldust ja mulle tundus šokolaadi lõhnaga (esimene) parem.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Increasing the closet space

 A little branch of a apple tree, starting to blossom soon in my vase

For a while now I have had a problem where to put all the stuff I have. My wardrobe is built in a wall like a little private room, but it is nor very spacy and I don't have a good overview of my stuff. So I decided to buy myself a closet on wheels. I also bought new very lovely hangers.

Mul on juba mõnda aega olnud mure, et kuhu kõik enda asjad mahutada. Mu garderoob on seina sisse ehitatud kitsas ruum, kus mul tegelikult puudub hea ülevaade enda asjadest. Niisiis ma otsustasin osta endale stange ning sinna juurde leidsin üliarmsad riidest riidepuud.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Botanic garden

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Cardigan: Boohoo, top: Zara, pants: Mango

Woow..finally warm weather in Estonia. I even took the trenchcoat off for a while. 
My sis is in town and we went to a walk for a local botanic garden, where I had a good oportunity to test my new camera and do the macro shots.
And I am still hanging on not highlighting my hair. I am even considering growing out to my natural colour, but let's see how long I can manage to do that.

Lõpuks ometi soe ilm Eestis! Ma isegi võtsin tänasel jalutuskäigul mantli pealt.
Mu õde on külas ja me käisime botaanika aias jalutamas, kus mul oli võimalus enda uue kaameraga makrovõtteid harjutada.
Ja ma üritan ikka veel vastu pidada, et juukseid mitte värvida. Ma isegi kaalun juuksevärvi väljakasvatamist, kuid eks näis, kaua ma vastu pean.
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