Wednesday, April 13, 2011

After the second Brasilian Keratin Treatment- feedback

First things first. I changed the blogs name. I wanted to  change blogs name littlebit more personal and since mu nickname has been Viu so many years that I can't even remember when and from where I exactly got that, I decided to name it Viublog. Little time ago I changed the design also because I had got tired of the pink and the beige colour feeled so right.
And now to the main point. I had my second Brasilian Keratin Treatment. As you can see on the pictures my hair is not totally straight. I assumed that they will be more straight since my hair hadn't gone totally curly, but had still few waves in them. But this time I ordered the BKT from another place and when it arrived it wasn't the same as last time. This time it was pinkish and strawberry scented. I have one big wave behind and the hair in the nape is more curly than last time though I had help this time applying the product and straightening. This time the instructions said I can wash my hair after the 24 hours but I kept the product in my hair 3 days before I washed them. The big wave came from sleeping. But still, I straightened this wave out every morning. Next time I will probably use the hairdryer to get them more straight. This picture is taken when airdried.

Kõigepealt tahaksin öelda, et ma muutsin blogi nime, kuna tahtsin seda teha veidi isiklikumaks..või kuidas öelda. Viu on olnud mu hüüdnimi nii kaua, et ma ei mäletagi, kust ja kuna selle sain. Samuti ma muutsin blogi disaini ja värve. Roosast oli villand saanud ja beež tundus täpselt see õige.
Ja nüüd põhilisest asjast. Ma tegin uuesti Brasiilia Keratiini hooldust endale. Seekord oli mul abiline, kes aitas vahendit tagumistele juustele panna ja ka sealt sirgendada. Kuid sellest hoolimata on tagumistel juustel suur laine sees. Seekord ma tellisin BK vahendi teisest kohast kui eelmine kord ja see vahend tuli erinev. Seekord oli BKT roosat värvi ja maasika lõhnaga. Kuid mulle tundub, et eelmine vahend oli efektiivsem. Seekord jäid alumised juuksed kukla osas veidi rohkem lokki ja iga hommik pärast magamist oli taga suur laine sees, mille siis üle sirgendasin. Kuigi nagu näha, siis sellest suurt kasu polnud, kuna laine säilus ka pärast pesu. Juhendis lubati juukseid pesta juba 24 tunni pärast, kuid otsustasin ikkagi kolm päeva oodata.
Järgmisel korral kuivatan natuke juuste kuivamise lõpus neid fööniga, ehk kaob laine ära. Praegusel pildil on juuksed õhu käes kuivanud.

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